Exporting with After Effects  – Fallen Feather Films – Eric Martin
As always Eric comes to you with a short sweet and to the point video tutorial every week! This week we’re focusing on the side of After Effects. A useful and awesome tool to have in your toolbox or bag of tricks when making any kind of production! So in this tutorial we are going to focus on how to export the final product from After Effects. Really simple yeah? Why make a tutorial about that right? The simple answer is that even the best of us forget the little things and if you haven’t, then theres someone out there who is just starting out and getting all the information you can get is greatly important to the future success of his and or her work!
If you, our wonderful viewers have any requests on a tutorial you’d like for us to do please feel free to email and or message us! We aim to make sure you succeed in what you want to do and tutorials are only helpful when, well when someone has a purpose to watch them.
If you want to see some of our projects and the many other techniques that we use in the tutorials in action visit our website, Facebook page, or check us out on Youtube!
Remember the industry is always changing, new projects made everyday and new techniques are found along with them! So good luck and happy shooting!
If you’re looking for a team to handle your next project, please feel free to contact us and we would love to sit down and see what we can do for you, because here at Fallen Feather Films its our passion to make your dreams, into realities.

Here are the steps to Export out of After Effects CS6:

1: Click on Composition

2: Click on Render Queue

3: Go to Output Module and click on Lossless

4: From the pop up screen you can choose your appropriate settings

5: Click ok

6: Choose your Output settings (Don’t want to be searching forever on your computer)

7: Click Render

8: Now you can either start this process over again or bring the finished product into your video project.